Sylvie Fortin
During Sylvie Fortin's residency in Louisiana she is conducting studio visits with artists in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Lafayette. She is also hosting a weekly reading group at PARSE, presenting a lecture at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and giving an informal talk at The Stacks Bookstore in New Orleans.
International curator Sylvie Fortin is PARSE curator-in-residence from November 6 to December 14, 2017.
Sylvie Fortin is giving an informal talk on the subject of hospitality at The Stacks Bookstore (inside the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans) on December 13, 2017 at 6pm.
Fortin is giving a lecture at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge on Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 5pm:
"Of Hosts and Ghosts: Contemporary Art, Curating and Indebtedness"
In this talk, Sylvie Fortin is speaking about her current curatorial research project into the contemporary currency of hospitality. The project seeks to open up a space to think through some crucial artistic, social and political questions that have so far been foreclosed by both aesthetic theory and the narratives developed to understand and discuss political events.
Learning and questioning how the concept of hospitality operates in other fields, including literature, theatre, political theory and the law, theology, economy, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine, engineering and more, the project seeks to update our conceptual framework to pose pressing political questions of contemporary artistic practice: How does hospitality operate in the studio and other spaces of production? How might we theorize the hospitality of the artwork? How might the curator’s research and performance stage hospitality? What if criticism were premised on hospitality? What would it mean for institutions to become hospitable?
Sylvie Fortin is a curator, critic, and editor based in Montréal (Canada) and New York. She was Executive and Artistic Director of La Biennale de Montréal, Canada's leading international contemporary art event, from 2013 to 2017. As Editor-in-Chief (2004-2007) and Executive Director/Editor (2007-2012) of Atlanta-based ART PAPERS, she transformed the regional publication into an internationally significant organization. She was also Curator of Contemporary Art at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, 2013), and Curator of Manif 5 – the 5th Québec City Biennial (2010).
Her critical essays and reviews have been published in numerous catalogues, anthologies and periodicals, including Artforum International, Art Press, C Magazine, Flash Art, Fuse, NKA: Journal of Contemporary African Art and Parachute.
Fortin has received many grants from the Canada Council for the Arts for her work as an independent curator and writer. In addition, her research has been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program.