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Open Studio with Thistle Marie Musgrave on August 28th.

Please join us on Friday, August 28th, 7 - 10pm at PARSE for our fourth niños malos Storefront Studio Opening featuring the work of our August artist-­in-­residence, Thistle Marie Musgrave.

Drawing from natural and supernatural elements, Flux Clothing aims to provide ethically sourced, wearable art to humans of many walks and flavors. In reflection of the designer’s character, the pieces combine feminine flair with a “work hard, play hard” attitude.

After several years of unconventional travel and spontaneous adventure, Thistle has fallen with ease into the unique pulse of New Orleans. Her multidimensional work combines music, circus, carpentry, and fashion.

There will be live “mannequin” performances Monday, August 24th through Thursday, August 27th. Performance hours will be posted on our Instagram (@parsenola).

niños malos operates in tandem with PARSE by supporting experimental art, dance, fashion, film, music, performance, sound, theater, and video. niños malos also organizes Storefront Studio Residencies in the months between exhibitions.

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