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TOPOS: A World Conceived by Night Light Collective
November 14, 16, 17, 18, 2012
TOPOS: A World Concieved by Night Light Collective is a festival and a journey through an immense art installation exploring the line between utopia and dystopia. Parse Gallery invites you to eat, drink, dance, and play with us in this interactive, immersive theatrical experience.
Directed by Bonnie Gabel
Performed by Parker Denton, Rachel Lee, Molly Ruben-Long & Louisa Sargent
Installation by Margot Walsh & Ricardo Barba
Soundscapes by Dave Watkins
Costumes by Katie Schmidt
Lights by Selena Poznak
Written by the Ensemble with text from Joanna Russo & Swamp DeVille

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

Courtesy PARSE

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Courtesy PARSE
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