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The World In Which We Occur (TWWWO) is a curatorial research-based entity that explores themes concerned with artistic inquiry, philosophy of science, and ecology. TWWWO began as a live event series over the telephone co-curated by Margarida Mendes and Jennifer Teets in 2014, and has thus expanded to other formats such as Matter in Flux, an online monthly study group with participants from different fields across the world. 


Margarida Mendes is a curator and educator based in Lisbon. Exploring the overlap between cybernetics, ecology and experimental film, her personal research investigates the dynamic transformations of the environment and its impact on societal structures and cultural production. She is interested in exploring alternative modes of education and political resilience through her collaborative practice, programming, and activism. She curates across the world and was part of the curatorial team of the 11th Gwangju Biennale “The 8th Climate (what does art do?)”, (2016) and 4th Istanbul Design Biennale "A School of Schools" (2018). In 2016 she curated the long-term research exhibition MATTER FICTIONS, at Museu Berardo, Lisbon, publishing a joint reader with Sternberg Press. She has directed several educational platforms, such as The World in Which We Occur (2014-18); escuelita, an informal school at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M), Madrid (2017), The Barber Shop project space in Lisbon dedicated to transdisciplinary research (2009-15). She is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Research Architecture, Visual Cultures Department, Goldsmiths University of London with the project “Deep Sea Spectrum” and is a frequent collaborator of the online channel for exploratory video and documentary reporting Inhabitants.


Jennifer Teets is a curator, writer, researcher and performer based in Paris. She is known for her research on cheese, mud, and terra sigillata – their transitioning towards materiality and entity and their ability to become something else when put in an exhibition or an essay. Her research and writing combines inquiry, sciences studies, philosophy, and fiction-critique, and performs as an interrogative springboard for her curatorial practice. Together with artist/philosopher Lorenzo Cirrincione (2014-onwards) she curates Elusive Earths, an ongoing in situ work, process, and dialogue that looks to the elusiveness of rare clays, soils, and earths with forgotten origins. Over time this research has involved different forms of replication, extraction, and multiplication of processes and their distribution as “clay narratives.” She has written extensively on art and curating in international art magazines and other publications and frequently lectures on curating and artistic research. Her writing can be accessed here.


The World in Which We Occur are in residence at PARSE NOLA April 2 - 16, 2019. Residencies funded in part by Foundation for Arts Initiatives. 









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